Tuesday, January 8, 2013


There used to be a cartoon when I was younger called Animaniacs. The little girl Mindy was known for the line, "why, why, why, ok I love you bye bye." She, like most children, always wanted to know "why?" for anything they are told or asked to do. Today I find myself constantly asking as Mindy did, "why?"

"Why can I not move out of Los Angeles?"
"Why does my stomach hate me?"
"Why do I gain weight when I eat pizza all the time? (Just kidding that one's rhetorical :) )
"Why do we think we know where we are headed and then life throws us a curve ball?"
"Why does my ex-boyfriend stalk my blog daily but refuse to actually talk to me?"
"Why is my mother so against the church?"

It's logical to ask yourself "why" when nothing adds up or makes sense. As humans we seem to think we are obligated to know the answer to everything. Our brains spend so much time and effort trying to figure out why things happen when in all reality, the answer to the question is, "you will never know," or "you're not meant to know right now." The latter is hard because once again as humans we are an impatient breed and would like instant gratification. We want to lose weight while popping a pill rather than working out, or receive a job promotion without working hard, yet I've come to realize in my wee 30 years that nothing, NOTHING worth while is ever easy. I've also come to realize that the answers to questions don't always come and when they do come, they are on the Lord's timing and not mine.

So rather than ask the question "why" l'll go ahead and adopt the other portion of Mindy's coined phrase, accept things that I cannot change and simply say, "ok I love you, bye bye."


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