Tuesday, March 19, 2013


That is what I feel like doing.

Last night Stevo and I were talking about our credit scores and I pulled up my credit report. Although my score is very good, I couldn’t help but look at my student loans, as those and my car loan are pretty much all that is on my report. I took out a calculator and began adding up my student loans, my stomach began to turn and was in knots. How the heck can education cost so much money?!

This morning as I came into work, per ushe, I began to play on the internet however this time it was a productive quest, how will I pay off my student loans?! I found this amazing article on Forbes about how this girl paid off $90,000 worth of student loans in 3 years, that gave me some form of hope because I didn’t have that high of loans and I do have a decent paying job right now. I need to start making a spreadsheet and watching my money and stop spending because the last thing I want to do is find myself in 20 years’ worth of repayments to the government.

I am motivated… now to just stay motivated as I pass up the new shoes and all the other amazing things my eyes may become set upon. Being a grown up sucks sometimes.


  1. You're not alone. My husband's student loans are over $260k. That's right.....no home buying for us for a while.

  2. This is the first time I've ever seen someone type the word "ushe".

    Personally I like hearing about other people's loans because it makes my $60k seem like not that much. The annoying thing is I never went into debt for 5 years of undergrad, and then acquired all of it for ONE year of masters. Laaaaame.

  3. "ushe"... it sounds Japanese.


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