When Heavenly Father said that we were to leave our mother’s and father’s and become one with our spouse, he didn’t mean combine your Facebook and email address into one. One pet peeve I have, and yes, I have been married before so I can speak from experience, is when people get married they feel they need to lose their identity, get rid of everything that makes then an individual and become a mesh of one person.
Trust. What it boils down to is trust. I could care less if my husband has my passwords to every account I own, I would never merge my email or any social media for that matter into one. A. People know you’re married when you’re married, you don’t need a joint account of any means to express that information. B. If your husband or wife is going to cheat/talk to others flirtatiously/ or whatever the heck they choose to do, they will do it regardless if you have a joint account or not.
What did we do before social media? We enjoyed our friends company, we went on honeymoons without posting the entire time about our outings, and maintained our own set of friends (which is completely healthy).
More power to you if you've chosen to merge your accounts but here's what non merged account holders think of that. It's an opinion, we all have them.
Happy Wednesday.
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