Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I'll Never Forget.

Seems to be the title and most common post on Facebook today as well as on the news and quite frankly I find that these social network trends are beyond annoying. Yes, eleven years ago today many innocent people were killed in a very tragic accident but do we need to publicly tell everyone and their mother (if their mother is on Facebook) that we will never forget things? Yes, you do forget, you forget every year until that exact day when images and news reiterate what happened. So many people say that they learned courage and strength and unity and yet their posts yesterday and tomorrow will reflect vengeance and hatred towards someone that cut them off or did something ill intended. Although I do have a Facebook account and do have a blog, I don't feel I need to proclaim to 5000 friends on one specific day about how I honor those firemen and police that helped and how I remember those families that lost loved ones. How about we honor people every day of our life, seek to give joy and meaning in each day and not just one day a year?

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