Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Do You Ever Wish You Weren't Mormon?

Immediately as I sat down at work today a co-worker asked if I had seen the Piers Morgan's interview with Mitt Romey's five sons last night. I stated I didn't have a T.V. thinking it would end the conversation however she continued on to tell me about the interview.  Not that I didn't want to talk about the church, I just wasn't in the mood to have a debate regarding my faith. When it comes to religion, especially my faith and being a Latter-Day Saint, I have learned that quite possibly anything could come out of a person's mouth and due to Mitt, there has been a lot of talk regarding the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. She continued to tell a story, about how Piers said, "Well, all of you are good looking strapping young men, who don't drink, do drugs, or have premarital sex... have you ever wished you weren't Mormon?"

One brother pipped up and said, "It's working for us thus far."

This question made me think of the numerous times people have asked me why I joined the church; Was it for someone? Did something bad happen in my life that made me join? etc. I will be the first to admit that life is nothing short of easy, in fact, it is constant battles as we continue to grow and progress throughout this life, trying to become what the Lord has in store for us, however, no battle or trial has made me question, "maybe I shouldn't be a member of this church anymore."  I would go on to state that since my membership in the church my relationship with my Heavenly Father has developed immensely and in turn has strengthened me during the trials and battles that we all are promised to face.

I am human, I stumble, we all stumble, but I have never wished for a even a split second that I was not Mormon.


  1. Well said Nicole! I love how you put this! just fyi: I'm always reading your blog ;)

  2. personally, i find it difficult to care which invisible man in the sky people believe exists or which set of what rules we should abide by to reach some after death paradise. religion is beyond the point of irrelevancy, especially in an election. maybe the news and interviewers should ask other pertinent questions along the same lines as religion, such as: whether or not a candidate believes in ghosts. whether they believe in ufos. or perhaps even bigfoot.

    my point is: his personal beliefs are just that, personal. and they should be left that way.


Oooh yes, please give me your opinion!

My world... my thoughts

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