Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Too Late.

Would have, could have, should have.

My aunt passed away on Saturday around 10:30pm and of course a state of shock set in, followed by doubt, and then sadness.  Memories run through your mind as you come to grasp that they are in fact gone. I decided to go through pictures throughout the years and put them together because I knew they would be desired for the funeral service or at least after.  In my mind I had loads of them but when I sat down to get pictures, I noticed there weren't really that many after all. I had only taken one picture of her at Christmas, ONE. It suddenly hit me how precious and valuable pictures really are and how excited I am to be involved in photography. People would stop and reconsider spending money on a photographer because it is not in their budget but once people aren't around to take pictures, all they do is wish they had taken more pictures. I am making it a point to take pictures at every family gathering- even if people don't want them taken, I want them, and I am selfish :)

1 comment:

  1. Not selfish. People appreciate them so much, and it is nice to have someone take them that knows the difference between candid and ugly. :)


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