Friday, March 9, 2012


That is your first Catalan lesson on how to say, "goodbye."

It is that time of year again where I pack all my belongings (or 12 days worth of clothes) into a backpack, along with my camera and laptop, and head across the country for an adventure. This year my destination is Barcelona, Spain and the South of France. Why? It sounded like a great place with awesome food. I hope I can paint an ample picture of the beautiful country as I journey through Barcelona for 6 days, up to Auch France for 2 (to stay at a castle, then down to San Sebastian for the remainder of the trip until I fly back to LAX on the 20th.

I am finishing up at work and then headed to the airport for my 8pm flight, stopping briefly in London and then arriving in Barcelona around 7:30pm on the 10th. I may lose a day traveling, but you all will be losing an hour this weekend with Daylight Savings Time! Apparently Europe doesn't change their clocks until the 25th and by that time I will be back at work in my cube (unless I never come back!) The time difference will be 9 hours. For all those not desiring to do the math, I land at 7:30pm and for all your Californians that is 10:30am your time. For anyone else, just google the difference :)

I have attached my tentative itinerary. I say tentative because anything could change. My mother is on this email so I wont joke about disappearing and you having to send the troops to find me at any of the listed locations. I hope these emails find you safe and well, I will speak to you from Barcelona!

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